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This line must be familiar to those who watched the animated film "Meet the Robinson's". This is basically the family's mantra. It what keeps them going... same as me.

Without this I would've probably be here right now. This line became my life source during the times I didn't even want to help myself. I kept moving forward... without even knowing where to move forward to at first. But eventually, I caught sight of my goal and now I'm moving forward to it.

I'm currently at a stage of my life where I am being swerved. My hope and my heart is wavering. Another love has left. Another love to remember. Yes, it's hard. But it's harder to stay where I am at the moment. So it's time to move forward again, aye?

I would give the same advice to all those who are lost, wounded and losing hope. Just keep moving forward. And make sure that it's off to somewhere that will make you a better person.


Hi there!

Join me on my adventures! ♡

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